Monday, March 21, 2016

Pecha Kucha - Things that inspire my art life

My architecture firm does an annual Pech Kucha presentation and invited me to participate. This is a 20 slide presentation with 20 seconds per slide.  Really fun and went quickly!  I decided to try to describe my current art path and things and people that have encouraged me along the way.

Maybe someday I will type what I spoke, but for not this will have to do.  I am also committing to reengaging with this blog. I have let is sit for a long time.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Keep Drawing

James Nutt
Solar Arts Building


  1. James, for sure...keep drawing!

  2. Hi Dwight, you were on my mind today at lunch thinking about how I hadn't contacted you in so long. Hope all is well, next time I am down I will be sure to let you know.
